Hit the Beach!
It's not often that robots take any downtime, but when they do they like to make the most of it!
Nothing much to say about this one on any technical level - it's more a case of this one unfolding from the imagination via practised fingertips. It was a chance to have a go at a slightly more tricky foundation - the command strokes S, Z, 0 were very handy for flattening extruded surfaces. I was pleasantly surprised to find that everything I crafted fell out quite easily without any headaches or need to explore tutorials, so at least some of the things I'm exercising must be sinking in now!

Technicalities aside, the robots are new and don't have names as yet, but this trio of old friends asked if they could join in, and they've never seen a robot sat in an inflatable ring before.. (I think it helps them top up the royalties).
Hit The Beach!


Hit The Beach!
